As things get out of hand and the crowd on the dance-floor start to riot, you realise you need to get out of there before you get killed. To your right, Hammerstein and Nikolai Dante swing their hammer and sword at Zenith, who dodges both attacks impressively before taking to the air and flying up to the ceiling. "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" the cocky pop-star mocks, punching a hole in the roof and vanishing through it. Stunned the smarmy git has abandoned you after you stood by him, you turn and vault over the barrier onto the dance-floor, as a ball of green flame shoots past, singeing the hair on the back of your head before slamming into Hammerstein and knocking him away. On your hands and knees you crawl through the legs of the brawling crowd and somehow manage to reach the door. Hopping to your feet, you dash out into the corridor, leaving the chaos behind only to be confronted with yet another horrifying vision, that of the one-man army himself, Judge Dredd, who is thundering down the hall directly towards you. Your heart jumps into your throat as you fall away from the door and into the wall opposite, watching Dredd close the distance between him and you. Inexplicably, although he sports his usual helmet and badge, he is dressed like a waiter, carrying a bottle of wine on a tray in one hand, and his day-stick in the other.

"What's going on?" he barks, and it's all you can do to hold it together, lifting one arm to point into the bar. "B-b-bar fight," you stammer. "They're...they're out of control, you have to do something!" "I'll do something!" Dredd snarls, brushing past you and charging into the bar to shout for order. Not wishing to be around when he realises you might have been part of this, you run down the corridor the way you came...but are forced to skid to a halt when you see someone else approaching, a vision of beauty in a short skirt and tube top, who is gliding towards you on roller skates and carrying a tray of drinks.
"Halo Jones!" you gasp, both elated and stunned that you actually found her. Grinding to a halt before you, Halo creases her brow and asks: "Do I know you?" Before you can say anything, something large and metallic lurches from an intersecting corridor, careening into her and smashing her back into the wall. Halo cries out as she crashes through a door, with Toby snapping at her face, his paws on her chest. You race down the hall as they vanish from sight, reaching the door just as Halo kicks Toby off and gets to her feet. The room they have crashed into is some kind of storage space, with rack upon rack of shelves stacked high with piles of books and comics. Skating for her life, Halo flees into the warehouse, Toby scrabbling back onto all fours and giving chase. "Not this time, Jones!" he barks, his metal claws scraping across the floor as he runs. "I've been waiting a long time to pay you back! Every dog has its day, and today, my dear, is mine!"

Do you...
Run into the warehouse to help Halo, or...
Run back to the bar to get Dredd?