The taxi ride is comfy and warm and you arrive at the Nerve Centre with time to spare. Having paid your fare and watched the cab depart, you take the invitation from your pocket and examine it carefully. A map on the back instructs you to make your way around to a small outhouse at the rear of the building. Following the instructions, you enter a dark alleyway to the right of the Nerve Centre and hurry along to the end. Turning the corner, you spot the outhouse in question and make your way towards it. Before you reach it, a dreadful stench hits your nostrils and a squat, wheeled figure with a gaping mouth and massive pointy teeth lurches from the darkness to bear down on you. As it races towards you, you realise in horror it is a robot – with a shovel for a hand, on which rests a pile of stinking excrement. “Oi!” the robot snaps, its wheels screeching on the concrete. “What are you doin’ creeping around back here, you nerk! You better have a bloody good explanation...or yer goin’ in the crapper!”

Do you...
Try to talk your way past the robot without mentioning the invitation you found, or...
Produce the invitation and explain to the robot you are here for the party?