Fearing the hulking behemoth will clobber you if you say no (you can tell from his tone and the way he is holding the spoon that ‘no’ is not an option) you decide to play along. “Yes. The Mighty One sent me to help,” you say, taking the spoon from the G.B.H and smiling. “Great!” says another voice, and you turn to find a pointy-headed alien and a tiny skeletoid at a table, attempting to assemble a cake mixture and failing miserably.

“Ace Garp,” you say aloud, before you can catch yourself. “That’s my handle, good buddy, don’t wear it out! I sure hopes you knows how to make a cake! Old frogface wants one for the party but we keep messing up! We’s gonna be in the crapper if we can’t figger this out...” “You be in crapper, Ace, your fault we here,” says the skeletoid, whose name you remember is Feek. “Try to sneak-peek Christmas present in Mighty One office, no heehee!” “Can it, bony buddy! Sheesh, what’s with the aggro, I helped you fellas out. You wuz gonna buy that new Justin Bieber CD tomorrow and then you would have had two of them! And G.B.H was gonna get a haircut but now he can wait for his voucher and get it free! You guys have no appreciation for ol’ Garp the Barp, do you?” “I appreciate you, Ace,” G.B.H says, pulling on some oversize oven gloves and moving to open the oven. Thick plumes of black smoke waft out and fill the kitchen. “I appreciate you’re really bad at cooking.” ”No heehee!” Feek cries again, smashing his head on the tabletop. “There goes another one!” Realising if you ever want to get out of here and onto the trail of the Dictators' imposter you’re going to have to take charge of the situation, you grab the cookbook from Ace’s scarf and get to work organising a cake. It takes a bit of time, but exactly one hour later you find yourself putting the finishing touches to (if you do say so yourself) a damn fine three-tier sponge! “What now?” you ask, as G.B.H fetches the catering trolley and Feek the Freek loads the cake. “Now we take it to the dining room!” Ace gushes. “There should be some guests there by now, we can mingle with the stars and get some autygraphs! Let’s go, truckin’ buddies!” You let Ace and Co. take the lead as you leave the kitchen, following the merry bunch of weirdos through a number of winding corridors until you spot a locked door with a laminated card stuck to it and a card reader set in the wall alongside. The wording on the card reads: "Party Access. Scan Invite to Enter." Ace and the others walk past this door, bemoaning the fact they don't have their own tickets and have to work their way in. They don't notice what you do, that there is already an invitation in the card reader slot. Saying nothing, you allow yourself to fall behind and wait until the others turn a corner before doubling back to the door to investigate. Noticing bite marks in the protruding end, you realise this is the invite Toby took from you... Retrieving the invitation, you re-scan it to unlock the door and slip through into a short passageway. Hurrying along it you arrive at an intersecting corridor that stretches left and right away from you. Sounds of music and partying reach your ears, coming from both directions, and its clear that the party is in full swing. The question is...which way did Toby go, and where could the imposter be?
Do you...
Go left, or...
Go right?