The elevator arrives and you hop in, quickly jabbing the button that will take you to the 46th floor. An eerie silence hangs in the air as the elevator begins to ascend, rising quickly and noiselessly through the building with scarcely a judder. Invitation in hand, you find yourself sweating in anticipation of coming face to face with the Betelgeusian comics editor and starting to feel just a little bit out of your depth. All you wanted to do was return the ticket and possibly claim a reward, a free subscription to 2000ad perhaps, if not the Megazine as well, but now you find yourself saddled with some troubling knowledge, the bearer of the news that the Dictators of Zrag have infiltrated the Nerve Centre and are planning to set off a bomb at the Party! You shudder to think how Tharg will react to this news and are more than a little apprehensive about delivering it. Nevertheless, you now have no choice but to do so, and as the elevator reaches its destination and a soft ‘ping’ announces your arrival, you prepare to find out. The doors open and you stop out into a dimly lit the sound of a claxoning alarm, as your presence is detected...

Do you...
Stand your ground and wait for security, as you have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, or...
Make a run for it, hoping to find Tharg first and explain the situation?