Covering your ears against the din of the alarm, you run through the corridors, glancing in to empty offices and calling for Tharg as you turn this way and that. “Tharg!” you yell, at the top of your voice. “Where are you? You dropped something outside, I came to return it! Hello?” Rounding another corner, you finally spot an office with a sliver of light visible at the bottom of the door. A thumping techno beat is emanating from the room, growing louder the closer you get and overtaking the sound of the alarm. There is a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door handle but you disregard it, and burst right in. "Quaequam Blag!" a voice blurts, and you skid to a halt in the doorway, eyes agog, as the dance music blasting from a stereo assaults your senses. Tharg is in the room, standing alongside a working photocopier and holding some sheets of A4 paper. Sitting on the photocopier glass, with her skirt bunched around her waist, is a scaly, green-skinned female with cascading locks of white and black hair, and a tail wiggling in the air behind her.

You take all of this in in an instant (even managing to get a good look at what appears on the photocopies Tharg is holding) and are suddenly at a loss for words. “Well, hello there,” says Tyranny Rex, flicking her hair and flashing a pointy-toothed smile. “Join the queue, honey, the more the merrier...” Sadly, Tharg does not feel the same, and before you can stutter an apology or even begin to explain what you are doing here, he has lifted one hand and screamed: “Rigellian Hotshot!” A blast of sizzling energy shoots from his hand and it is all you can do to lift your arm before your face before it hits you. The last thing you hear, before you sizzle away, is Tyranny saying: “Oh, Tharg, you big party pooper! All he wanted was a picture of my snatch...” and then, for you, the night is over...
The End.
VIEW CREDITS: Click here