You can tell from the tone of the robot’s voice that it’s telling, not asking, so you turn around, unbuckle your belt...and do as instructed... Five minutes later, you are pulling your pants up and walking stiffly towards the outhouse, grimacing uncomfortably as ‘ol’ Rojaws spins circles behind you, whistling a happy tune and acting in a drunken manner. At the outhouse, you insert your invitation into the specified slot. The door pops open, revealing not a toilet but an elevator. You step inside and the door closes behind you. For a moment nothing happens...then the floor drops away and you are plummeting downwards. Ten seconds later you come to a jarring halt and an elevator door opens to reveal a long corridor that stretches left and right away from you. Sounds of music and revelry reach your ears, from both directions, and you can tell the party is already in full swing.
Do you...
Go to your left, or...
Go to your right?