You enter the stairwell and begin making your way up the steps. Four floors up you question your sanity in choosing this means of approach, rather than using the elevator. Five floors up you are ready to call it a day and leave the stairwell, intending to summon the elevator from here. As you open the door, hushed words reach your ears stopping you dead in your tracks. Peering into the hall you see three figures in Santa Claus costumes huddled together ahead.

“Are we good?” you hear one rasp. “Yes,” hisses another. “Our imposter is already down in the basement, they’ll never know he’s a phony.” “Good,” says the first again. “And he knows what to do with the bomb?” “He certainly does!” whispers the third. “Wait until the party is in full swing and then – kablammo! ” “Excellent. In the confusion, when old Greenbonce is distracted, we'll infiltrate the Command Module and re-program the next issue of his precious ‘organ’ to our own specifications! At last, sweet revenge shall be ours!” The three conspirators suddenly start to move, hurrying away down the corridor and slipping around a corner. Before they vanish from sight you get a glimpse of their heads and are shocked to recognise the lumpy faces as those belonging to the Dictators of Zrag! You can’t believe what you’ve just heard. An imposter at the party! A bomb! And, worst of all, sabotage of your favourite comic! What a plot you’ve stumbled into! You have to do something about it. Moving quietly, you leave the stairwell and make your way over to the elevator, pressing the button to call it...
Do you...
Continue up to the 46th floor to warn Tharg about what you’ve heard, or...
Head down to the basement with plans of exposing the imposter by yourself?