You head back the way you came, following the corridor until the uplifting jazz-fuelled rhythms fade away and you find yourself in a much more lively environment, the sounds of a thumping drumbeat, a throbbing baseline, a screeching electric guitar, and someone roaring at the top of their very impressive lungs reaching your ears. Accompanying this is the whooping, hollering and foot stamping of an unknown number of people who seem to be enjoying the show. You turn a corner and the source of the noise comes into a view, an open door at the end of the hall revealing a dimly lit room and a throng of people within. You quickly reach the door and enter the room unchallenged, wincing against the full onslaught of the blaring music and reaching up to cover your ears. You have stepped into what appears to be a concert hall, with a stage at one end, a dance floor and mosh pit in the middle and well-stocked bars either side. The room is jammed with people but it is hard to make out who they are in the dim lighting. You do spot a number of people in Mega City Judge uniforms (sans helmets), as well as a good few topless fellows sporting mohawks and wearing G.I gear. You’d be hard pressed to put names to any of these characters - and as for identifying a possible Zragian intruder, forget about it - but there are a few faces you do recognise, specifically those up on stage who are responsible for the noise assaulting your senses, a quintet a huge banner proclaims to be the "Celtic Earbashers". Ladies and gentlemen, on drums – Ukko the Dwarf! On base – The Lord Weird Slough Feg! On electric guitar – Nest the Eternal! And providing the ear-bursting vocals...none other than the Celtic Warrior and erstwhile High King of Ireland himself, Slaine!

Do you...
Decide to take your chances with Anderson and leave this nightmare for a table at the jazz show, or...
Make your way to the bar to grab a drink?