Friday, November 12, 2010

Dressed to Impress

You hurry home and have a quick shower before dressing in your best jeans and favourite Judge Dredd t-shirt, ready to impress the big yin himself should you happen to bump into him. Speaking of bumping into people, you are very much aware that there are all manner of hot 2000ad babes who may be in attendance, so you spend just that extra bit longer in the bathroom making sure you look - and smell - immaculate. A quick bite to eat and a beverage to ‘get your motor running’ later and it’s time to go. Pulling on your jacket, you head out into the cold, wintry night, your mind racing as you consider the myriad possibilities that lie ahead of you.

Do you...

Flag down a taxi for a comfortable ride to the venue, or...

Save your money for drinks at the party and cycle instead?