"Don't shoot!" you gasp, holding up your hands. "I'm not a spy! I swear! I found an invitation to the party that's on here and came to return it, that's all, but then this robot dog called Toby stole it and I had to chase him to get it back..." "He's lying!" says the microchip in the blue skinned G.I's gun. "Have you ever heard such nonsense? He's a dirty Nort scout, don't listen to a word he says Rogue!" "Nort scout my ass," growls Savage, moving his shotgun barrel right up to your nose. "This is a Volg sympathiser if ever I saw one! Where are your mates hiding, eh? Spill the beans or I spill your guts!" "Back off, you lunatics!" snaps Defoe, shouldering Savage roughly aside and jerking Gunnar up to point at the ceiling. "How many times do I have to tell you, its the Reeks that are planning to disrupt this party, and this is clearly no Reek. He's not dead, for starters..." "That's easily fixed!" snaps Savage, spitting a wad of saliva to the floor. You realise there's a very real possibility you won't get out of here alive unless you can come up with something fast, and decide to use these guys' delusions to your advantage. "Listen," you begin, crossing your fingers and hoping you can pull this off. "The dog I told you about, the robot one...when he stole the ticket he said something about bringing it to his 'masters'. Volgs or, or...Norts or something?" "Reeks?" asks Defoe, as Savage and Rogue go to full alert behind him. "Could it have been Reeks?" "It could," you nod, eagerly. "It could have been Reeks. He was in the stairwell when he said it so I...I can't be sure, exactly..." "Only one way to find out," Rogue says, retrieving his helmet from where it hangs on the top of a broom handle and placing it on his head. "Where's this robot now?" "Yeah," Savage grunts. "Show us where this so-called 'robot' went and we'll soon see who its 'masters' are!" With nothing to lose and a retrieved ticket to gain, you rise from the chair and tell the trio to follow you, leading them out of the broom closet and down to the bottom of the hall where you exited the stairwell. Pointing out the scratches on the tiles where Toby passed, the four of you make your way to the double doors at the end of the small passage and push your way inside. The room you enter is pitch black, but before you can think to reach out and look for a light switch, somebody flicks it for you and the flourescent tubes above flicker to life. "Holy crap!" Savage blurts as the interior of the room becomes visible - and you see you are not alone. "Reeks!" you hear Defoe cry, as Rogue grabs you roughly and shoves you halfway across what you see now is a boiler room. "I told you it was Reeks!" You trip and hit the ground, rolling on to your back to see Savage, Defoe and Rogue squaring off against the others who are present - an ungodly trio of zombies you recognise as Zombo, Artie Gruber...and a very dead polar bear!

Do you...
Scream like a girl, flee the room and run like Hell, or...
Stick with Savage and Co and risk being eaten?